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I remember my hesitation and even my resistance when it came time for me to start wearing reading glasses. It was frustrating as I had to get used to something new, but the truth was it was getting more and more difficult to read without them. Finally, I gave in and found that I could see so much better with the help of the lenses.

In order to write these words, I have to have my glasses on. My glasses help me bring the words into focus and they allow me to see clearly all that is around me. I need my glasses for reading, but there are many who wear corrective lenses to see everything around them. Without them, they are at a great disadvantage. To work, drive, or do anything could become dangerous for someone if they don’t wear their glasses. It is frustrating to get up and try to function before we put on our specs.

This is a good illustration of what the Holy Spirit does in our lives on an hourly basis. While not everyone needs glasses, this is not true of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit enables us to have a greater vision of all that we encounter. According to I Corinthians 13:12, we only see this life partially. We do not have a full view or a clear view, and yet we make decisions and operate like we know it all.

The truth is that there is no way we can see it all. That is why we need a daily infilling of the Holy Spirit. With God’s Spirit we have more clarity and discernment than we do left to our own vision. He guides us, informs us, leads us, warns us and enables us by His power.

I encourage you every day to ask for that daily filling of His power through His Holy Spirit. We simply are not seeing clearly enough on our own to be victorious in this life. Don’t leave your power on your nightstand any more than someone would walk into their day without their glasses. Take advantage of all that God has given you. Ask Him and He will generously fill your cup today!