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Am I Enough?
The question of our worth or ability can be noble or it can be destructive depending on the context. If we are weighing our ability to do something before entering, then it can be noble. If we are questioning our worth or ability in the context of a relationship, then it can be quite destructive. We certainly all have limits while at the same time possessing the ability to grow. Our goal in a healthy context is to make sure that we understand the balance of limits and growth.
Everything I have just said applies to human relationships and human applications. Let me now share some really good news. When it comes to God, we don’t have to worry about this at all!
The truth is that we are enough, simply be being His creation. The full truth, if we are going for accuracy, it is that our acceptance is all a matter of His grace. This is going to seem a little mixed up, but only because we tend to see it from an earthly perspective. We are actually not enough on our own. We are all sinners and fall way short of the requirements to be in a relationship with God. However, He loved us enough to do everything necessary to make it work for us.
Now that makes us sound like we are not carrying our weight. Like we are not enough! If that is what you see here, then you are absolutely right. However, the fact that He loves us enough to do this tells us that we are fully accepted and fully treasured. This then should become our identity. By looking at it from this position, we have no cause for pride or hierarchy. We can only brag on the one to whom we belong.
Here is the kicker. The more we are thankful, the more we live into this identity, the more we tell this story, the more we become like Him and are filled with the things He has promised us. Peace, joy, love, etc.
What I am saying is that we are absolutely enough when we are in Christ! In our world rejection is a terrible enemy to many. As Christians, we should never have the need to walk in rejection because we have been chosen by the King of Kings. Rejoice and be glad and let it make your week that much better.