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Directing God?

Jesus tells Satan that we are not to test God after the second temptation in the Wilderness according to Matthew’s version.  And yet, I find that churches, denominations and individuals are regularly testing God. We regularly have the audacity of telling God how He needs to work and show up in our world.  Baptists, Pentecostals, Catholics, and yes even us Methodists.  We are all waiting on God to show up and fit our forms.  I had a friend ask me recently about revival.  My comment was what if we are already in it and don’t realize it because we want God to do it our way!

How many times have we prayed and said “God if you are real…then I need you to…”  or some version of this?  I can assure you that God is real, and I can also assure you that His plans for us are far better than anything you or I could conjure up.  Why do we insist on having such a small and limited God?

Churches are dying because we are setting the targets for God to hit.  Individuals are dying because they have been taught that God only works in certain frameworks.  If we are going to grow and reverse course in our Christianity, we must hear Paul’s cry to decrease so that He may increase.  The architect of the universe, the breath of all life, the Savior of all, is more than capable of doing His job!  Let’s do our best to get out of His way and let Him have His way in us!