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Do You Trust Me?
Do you remember the “Trust Fall”? Someone would stand on a platform and fall
backwards while trusting the group or individual to catch them. I can tell you, in a group
of boys, that sometimes did not turn out so well! However, for anyone doing that there
is the anxiety of doubt that creeps in on some level and makes it challenging to let go
and just fall back.
That anxiety is present anytime we are asked to trust. It may be deeper in some
situations than others, but it is usually present enough to be recognized. I think it is
even there when we try to fall into God’s arms to a degree.
God has asked us to trust Him in all things. Trust Him with our families, finances,
dreams, problems, etc. That means taking our hands off and letting Him lead. When
we get to the point in our relationship with God that we are ready to do that, we often
still feel that tinge of anxiety. That anxiety, as I have called it, is really a reluctance to let
go of control. We simply feel safer when we are in control. Not as powerful, not as
effective, not as productive, not as obedient, but at least safer.
C.S. Lewis in describing Aslan the lion, said he is not safe, but he is very good. Our God
is not a safe God, but He is worthy of our trust. I hope that you are following Him
regularly enough that you begin to understand this trust. It will be the difference in
making it through life and excelling in life.