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Like a Child
My dad told me the directions back to camp as he dropped me at my deer stand. What
my dad failed to do was take into consideration my complete absence of a sense of
direction. I walked in circles for a bit until the circle led me right back to my original
position. I was a bit nervous that I might have to live in the woods for a while. After
about an hour, I looked up and saw my father coming towards me! I was saved! Oh,
what a feeling!
I am quite certain everyone reading this could tell of a similar circumstance when the
presence of your mom or dad made all the difference in the world. That is the way it is
supposed to be.
Jesus tells us that if we are going to understand His Kingdom we have to come like little
children. There is a lot to unpack here, but one point is certain. He was us to trust Him
like little children trust their parents. He needs us to know that we are safe when we are
in His presence and His call is always for our best.
The old “Ghostbusters” song asked “who ya gonna call?” Our song in a world of fake,
harmful, and poor substitutes is “Who Ya Gonna Trust?”. If we are in His Kingdom, the
answer is simple.