Loving the Bad Guys
I love my kids. I will always love my kids. I will defend them, help them, take their side and go
to them when needed. They have an obvious special place in my heart, and they will always be
a priority. I will love my kids even when they are wrong. I will love my kids even when they do
wrong. I will love my kids even when they don’t love me. This is a parent’s love.
This is also God’s love. When He tells us to love our enemies and to pray for those who
persecute us, what He is saying is please love my kids! God loves all His creation, not just
those who sign up to be on the Christian team. He wants us to love those who persecute us
because He made them too.
He did not say like them or like what they do. He did not say don’t use good boundary setting
skills. He did not say to be used by them or manipulated by them. He simply said love them
because He loves them.
We already know how powerful and transformative His love can be. Imagine how much more
so when it comes from unlikely sources. Our enemies and persecutors expect retaliation.
Jesus says give them love. He wants them to see His heart and we are the ones to show it to
them. So, love your enemies!