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We are picky and finicky people!  We are prone to change with the wind.  We change brands, channels, and styles on a regular basis. Our culture actually is built on the premise that we will change.  Advertisers are counting on it.  And guess what?  There is nothing wrong with that.

We are consumers and we have every right to pick and choose what is working for us at the moment.  This, of course, is true when talking about things that are consumable.  It should not apply to our relationships, especially our relationship with God.

However, when the habit is formed in other parts of our lives, it is very difficult to not allow it to slip into our relationship with God. 

What has He done for me lately?

My encouragement to all of us today is to be very careful of this trap.  Our relationship with God is multi-faceted.  It takes us on highs and through lows and is very much a long-term situation.  When we bring a consumer mentality to that relationship, we will be tempted to go in and out and never see growth.   We will miss the highs and suffer in the lows and never experience the wonder of the relationship that God offers us. 

Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with ALL joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may OVERFLOW with hope, by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

If your brands, channels, and styles don’t deliver then make the change.  When it comes to God, He only gets better as we invest and engage.  His goal is not satisfaction, but overwhelming joy and peace.


In Him,

Pastor Scott