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The God Corporation
We love systems in America. We like the idea that with proper input, we get desired
results. If I pay my bill I keep my power. If I wear the popular brand, I get the
recognition I want. If I work hard, I get promoted. If I kiss up to my client I get the sale.
There is no emotion in it. No relational equity, just playing the system.
At times we get disillusioned with God because His system does not work like other
systems. We can’t earn our way into more blessings or more intimacy. Discipleship is
a call to an intimate relationship, but we often treat it as a transactional relationship. If I
do A and B, God will give me C. If I am good, God will always bless me. If I avoid bad
things, God will love me more.
The problem with a transactional relationship is that when God does not come through
to our expectations, we get angry and want to call Heaven’s customer service line and
When we understand that we are called into an intimate relationship, we find that we
don’t have to do anything. We get to do many things! He loves us and therefore pours
His Spirit out on us with grace and love. We love Him, therefore, we get to honor that
love by being like Him. When things don’t go our way, we trust the relationship.
God is not an American Institution, He is our Lord and Savior and loves us enough to
give and take away in a way that is best for us. If you enter the relationship, then trust
Him to do His part.