Repent or burn in hell! Wow! That’s blunt, isn’t it? In fact, that was the message of the church for many years, and no one had a problem with it. You either accepted it or rejected it. It was up to you, but no one seemed offended by it.
While the message is blunt, it is technically true. The difference today is that we don’t offer only fire insurance, we offer the full life that Jesus did. He came to save us, but in that salvation, He offers the keys to a joyous and happy life.
Repent simply means to change directions. His call is always for us to change directions from the kingdom of man to the kingdom of God. From a kingdom that takes and taxes, to a kingdom that gives and uplifts. From a kingdom where we are on the throne of our lives to one where He is on the throne of our lives. From a kingdom that expires, to a kingdom that is eternal and never runs out.
That’s a pretty good deal if you ask me. Repentance isn’t just for the lost soul, it is for everyone, including those who are in Christ. We don’t have to be afraid, just convinced that His way is better.
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” He told us that the way to the Father, the way to His Kingdom, the way to joy was through Him. So, if you are not checking in with Him daily and making sure that you are remaining in Him, I encourage you to repent. Turn from a way that is not going to work for you to one that will work with abundance of life.
The goal of the Kingdom of Heaven is you being the very best version of you that is possible. Only in Him can we do that. So again, I loving call you to repent as often as necessary. Let’s take on all the blessings of His Kingdom so that we can be the light that those we work with and live with and play with need to see. Repent and be the blessing!