A Lenten Challenge
This week we will celebrate Ash Wednesday, which in turn launches us into the Lenten Season.
This is a traditional time that helps us focus on the passion of Christ as He moves toward the
cross and ultimately resurrection. The common tradition is to give something up for Lent, or
fast, so that we can increase our focus.
This year I am issuing an additional challenge. I want you to add something in addition to giving
something up or instead of doing so. I want to make this year a proactive time to add to your
discipleship cache.
You may want to add the habit of reading Scripture every day.
You may want to increase your prayer time.
You may want to make your churches Bible study a priority during this season.
You may want to start a Bible time with your family during this season.
These are just a few suggestions, but you get the idea. Do something that helps boost your
time with God so that you can move closer to Him during this time. By adding something, my
hope is that you will continue on past Easter and create a life-giving habit that will endure.