Come and See
Imagine having a Willy Wonka kind of moment, but imagine it is at your dream place. Maybe it
is a private tour of the White House, or a tour inside a famous tomb, or a chance to go behind
the scenes at a Hollywood studio. You will get to see how it all works and get some inside trade
secrets and maybe discover something that most will never know. Isn’t that an exciting
I feel this way every time I try to learn more about God’s Kingdom. I have the great author of
everything as my personal guide. He loves showing us His plans, His passions, and His will
when we follow Him into His purposes.
He has always been a come and see God. Psalm 34:8 invites us to “taste and see that the Lord
is good”. Jesus invites us to drink from His waters. The Book of Acts tells us that the Holy Spirit
has been poured out for everyone who will accept it.
If you are looking for more of anything in this life, you will find the best of it in Him. I strongly
urge you to “come and see” what God is doing and also find out what He wants to show you! It
is a great tour with guaranteed excitement and life changing results!